You Are in the Business to Make Lumber, Not Sawdust

In these uncertain times, it is often tempting to put-off mill improvements.  However, if you are still sawing grade lumber on only a circle saw, you are missing out on a lot of valuable lumber.  Not only will you see an immediate difference in your yield, but also in your percentage of uppers.  We're quite sure that after reading this yield comparison study you'll be convinced that there is no better time to invest in your future than right now.

This yield study was completed at a sawmill that at one time just had a circle headrig.  A few years ago they installed a Brewco.  Here is proof of what can lower your sawdust pile and raise your lumber pile.  A special thanks goes out to our very good customers at Beshear Sawmill in Princeton, KY.

When you are ready to capture more lumber, give us a call at 270-754-5847.

Click Here to Read the Yield Study