Crosstie Incisor

Crosstie Incisor

Vertical and Horizontal Tie Incisors

Heavy-duty construction, extreme wearability, and ease of maintenance are hallmarks of these incisors.  Our unique incisor teeth allow for up to three times the service life of others.  Also, the incisor plate doesn't need to be changed, just insert the tri-tip incisor teeth for a quick changeover.  And, the vertical head has a unique cylinder tilt which allows for convenient servicing.

Crosstie Incisor
Crosstie Incisor
Crosstie Incisor
Crosstie Incisor
Crosstie Incisor
Crosstie Incisor
Crosstie Incisor
Crosstie Incisor
Crosstie Incisor
Crosstie Incisor

Product Specifications


Crosstie Incisors (Horizontal & Vertical)


6” x 8”, 7” x 8”, 7” x 9”, up to 9’ long

Incising Drums

18” drums with (2) 15/16” bearings


PLC to control incisor head for cleaner incision and to allow ties to pass with or without being incised


- 3/4” Plate
- Heavy tubing for long life